In our companies we have committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda,  while totally aligned with with fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We have defined priority pillars, established ambitious targets and produced an action plan  for the promotion of sustainability as an essential pillar for the future of the Group.

Governance Structure

The different bodies and committees which make up the governance structure are responsible for the strategic orientation and implementation of the policies of the Group.

Sustainability begins with the values by which we guide our actions.

Through action  in various sectors, with particular specificities, we have developed models which promote a transversal sustainability in all the companies of the Group.

The governance structure of the BEL Group is composed of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Council, the Executive Committee, the ESG Committee, the Ethics Committee and the Compliance Department.

Because we do not operate alone, we also share the task and the responsibility of guaranteeing a sustainable development,  with all our stakeholders, be they external or internal.

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Targets and Priorities

The vision we have as regards this field, is mirrored in a path which crosses the different areas of operation of the Group and are based on three main priority pillars:

Environmental Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Responsible  Governance.

25% of all logistics distribution vehicles will be electric by 2026;

50% of all energy consumed will be renewable 2028;

25% Reduction in the e carbon footprint by 2030;

40% of all decision-making positions will be held by women 2030;

Creation of a Social Volunteer Programme;

Implementation of a Mental Health Plan  – BEL BEING.

Our Partners

The establishment of partnerships with national and international institutions, targeted towards the promotion of sustainable development, is fundamental for the acceleration of the internal implementation of the best ESG practices.

Among the associations which we are supporting, we must highlight the following partnerships:

The Global Compact Network Portugal (GCNP) is the Portuguese network of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which brings together participants of the initiative based or operating in Portugal. It’s a voluntary initiative, acknowledged by UN member-states, which aims to encourage companies to adopt corporative social responsibility and sustainability policies. BEL Group joined in 2021 and is a board member since 2022. Over the last year he has taken part in two worldwide training programmes.

The purpose of the Portuguese Association of Business Ethics (APEE) is to help create and support a model of sustainable development, enlightened by ethical principles and values. BEL Group has been a member since 2022 and is a regular sponsor of the ESG Week initiative.

GRACE – Empresas Responsáveis (Responsible Business) is a non-profit public benefit business association that works in the areas of sustainability and social responsibility, with the mission of promoting and developing a sustainable business culture. BEL Group joined in 2022 and participates in the Citizenship and Volunteering cluster and the Communication cluster.

All4Integrity is a global association and network of Portuguese origin created to promote a culture of integrity in Portugal. One of its most important initiatives is the Tágides Award, which is promoted annually to identify, recognize, celebrate and reward projects and/or initiatives by people who stand out in promoting a culture of integrity and preventing and fighting corruption in Portugal. The Tágides Prize has the high patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic. BEL Group has been collaborating with the association since 2021 by being a member of the Tágides Awards jury and by signing the declaration of commitment to partnership with the association.

BCSD Portugal is a non-profit business association that supports over 170 Portuguese companies in their green transition. Its work with companies focuses on the Social, Environmental and Economic/Governance aspects, inspiring them to build organizations and business models that can be competitive, innovative, and sustainable at the same time.

Reports and Publications

Sustainability Reports

The growing importance of this issue  for the Group and its respective stakeholders makes the publication of the sustainability reports increasingly more pertinent.

Disseminating this information is an integral part of our journey towards sustainability, allowing us to reflect on all the measures and actions implemented over the last years as well as project those we wish to implement for the future.

Plan for Gender Equality

BEL Group prioritizes equal opportunities and rejects discrimination of any kind, and is therefore committed to promoting and incorporating a culture of diversity and inclusion based on respect for human beings and equal opportunities. Aware of the importance of implementing measures to promote gender equality and as a way of demonstrating its commitment to this issue, BEL Group is presenting its Equality Plan for 2022.

Boas Festas!

O Grupo Bel deseja sinceros votos de Feliz Natal e Próspero Ano Novo!